
Global Warming Brings More Rainfall: Study. By Evan S. Benn, Miami Herald, August 7, 2008. "Florida and the rest of the tropics will face wetter and more powerful rainstorms because of global warming, according to a new [University of Miami] study... released Thursday. 'We expect heavy rain events to increase,' said Brian Soden... [of] the university's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. 'As the climate gets warmer, there is more moisture in the atmosphere. So, when thunderstorms develop, they produce more rainfall.' Soden's study is the first to use observational evidence from the past 20 years to determine a link between warmer temperatures and an increase in tropical rainfall. A preview of his findings is posted online at Sciencemag.org, and the full version will be published in an upcoming issue of Science. The study... found that previous estimates of rainfall increases may have been low... Soden emphasized that his research does not link human-caused global warming with more hurricanes, but it does suggest future hurricanes may produce more rain."

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