Gore Delivers a Boost -- to Obama and the Climate Crisis Cause. By Alec MacGillis, WashPost, August 29, 2008. "In the past three decades, Al Gore has come to the Democratic National Convention in many roles -- as an ambitious young senator, a vice presidential candidate, a vice president and a presidential nominee. On the last night of the 2008 convention, he came as a Nobel Prize-winning proselytizer against the perils of climate change, linking Barack Obama's candidacy to his own cause of the past decade. With an allusion to his prize-winning documentary on climate change, he argued in a speech at Invesco Field at Mile High on Thursday that Obama, unlike Sen. John McCain, is prepared to address the issue that Gore called a 'planetary emergency'... Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said the campaign wanted Gore in as prominent a spot as possible."

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