
How to Put Your Power-Hungry Household PC on a Diet. By Steve Lohr, NYTimes, August 6, 2008. "Microsoft, the nonprofit Climate Savers Computing Initiative and a start-up called Verdiem are combining to put a spotlight on the energy-saving opportunity in PCs, and distributing a free software tool [called Edison] to consumers to help them do it. The potential savings in both dollars and pollution is huge, analysts say… The research firm Gartner estimates that 40% of all CO2 emissions resulting from information technology and telecommunications are attributable to PCs… There are other free tools for calculating and managing PC power consumption, including the EPA's EZ Wizard [and] CO2 Saver... But Edison allows the user more flexibility, especially in making the settings as stringent as [he or she wants]." [Editor's note: You can download Edison free here.]

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