
Obama, McCain, Green Jobs and Climate Solutions. By Ted Glick, NW Scource.com, August 7, 2008. "McCain's energy plan is a mixed bag, at best, and is nowhere close to what is needed. He wants to build 45 new nuclear power plants by 2030 and 100 eventually. Like Obama, he supports so-called, non-existent 'clean coal'... Obama's program, as publicly released on Monday, is significantly better than McCain's, but there are number of problems with it... [Hence it is important that] Green For All, the 1Sky campaign and Al Gore's We Campaign have joined forces with many other groups working towards a national day of action on September 27th for Green Jobs Now. Tens of thousands, if not more, will be taking part on this important day... One day after the first Presidential debate, let's rock the country in support of green jobs and climate solutions, demanding strong federal legislation in the first 100 days of 2009!" Ted Glick is the coordinator of the U.S. Climate Emergency Council and cofounder of CCC.

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