Obama, McCain Trade Accusations over Energy Policy. By Perry Bacon Jr. and Michael D. Shear, WashPost, August 6, 2008. "Barack Obama and John McCain used an ongoing debate over energy policy to tack back to core themes of their campaigns Tuesday, with Obama blasting his rival for the presidency as a clone of the current administration and the Republican seeking to revive his reputation as someone willing to buck his party on major issues... 'Remember that when George Bush took office, he had an energy policy, he turned to Dick Cheney and he told Cheney, Go take care of this.' Obama told a crowd at a gym in Youngstown, Ohio. 'John McCain's taking a page out of the Bush-Cheney playbook.'... McCain noted that it was Obama, not he, who had voted for Bush's 2005 energy bill, which included major subsidies for oil companies. 'I think he might be a little bit confused, because when the energy bill came to the floor of the Senate full of goodies and breaks for the oil companies, I voted against it; Senator Obama voted for it,' he said. 'People care not only what you say, but how you vote.'"

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