
One-Stop Trash Shopping.Posted by Julia Steinberger, Worldchanging, August 25, 2008. "Eric Lombardi, the waste-management guru behind Boulder-based recycler Eco-Cycle, is fighting incinerators around the world with a vision. Although his Zero-Waste Park may never be built, he has been able to use the artistic plan as an effective tool for [providing] city planners [a way] to consider alternative[s]... 'I pulled together all the ways that the world was handling recycling, composting, etc. and discards, and I put them in once place, because the world likes one-stop shops,' says Lombardi. 'So when cities are talking big money -- for example, right now in Fredrick, Md., they're talking about a $300 million incinerator -- I can talk 300 million dollars too, [in terms of waste recovery]... The park includes a composting facility for organic materials; reuse center for still-good items; a center for hard-to-recycle materials... a materials recovery facility for recovering valuable technical nutrients like metals; a residue facility for handling any trash that is leftover after the former; and a public education center.' Lombardi's plan doesn't invent a way to deal with waste, it simply connects the dots between established solutions... Making an investment in zero-waste can be enormously profitable to a city." [The story includes Lombardi's artistic drawing of his Zero-Waste Park.]

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