
Schweitzer Energized Democratic Convention. By David Nakamura, Forbes, August 27, 2008. "It was the raucous Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer who worked the crowd into a frenzy [last night], delivering a kinetic speech about -- of all things -- energy policy. It's hard to imagine anybody getting quite that fired up about energy policy in 2004. Schweitzer's remarks invoked John Kennedy's goal to put Americans on the moon. Energy is the challenge of the 21st century. 'We face a great new challenge, a world energy crisis that threatens our economy, our security, our climate and our way of life,' Schweitzer began. The sort of line any politician might utter. But then Schweitzer took it personal, saying McCain's support for expanded drilling was an unrealistic solution even 'if you drilled in all of Senator McCain's back yards, even the ones he doesn't know he has'... Like the football coach at a high school pep rally before the state finals, Schweitzer had the crowd bellowing along. 'We need all of you to stand up,' he yelled. 'Colorado! Stand up! Florida! Stand up! Pennsylvania! Get off your hind end! In the cheap seats! Stand up!' With energy such a hot button issue, and Schweitzer able to fire up a crowd, maybe the Democrats should have made him the keynote to make sure the performance got picked up on television."

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