Sen. Boxer Asks Interior to Drop Proposal to Relax Endangered Species Law. By J. Taylor Rushing, The Hill, August 15, 2008. "[Sen. Barbara] Boxer wrote [Interior Secretary Dirk] Kempthorne to ask [that] the Bush administration drop its proposal to relax a requirement that federal agencies consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration anytime before they undertake [an] action that could affect an endangered species. News of the administration's proposal leaked out within the past week, prompting Interior officials to take a defensive posture. Boxer asked Kempthorne to testify at a Sept. 24 Environment and Public Works Committee hearing, to schedule public hearings on the proposal, and to extend a period for public input from one month to six months... Boxer also accused the Interior Department of trying to push through the changes before the November election and without congressional approval."

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