
Warming Aggravates Ragweed Allergies. By Ming Pimhatai Tiemchaiyapum, Channel 5 (Boston), August 12, 2008. "For [the approximately] 36 million Americans suffering from ragweed allergies, [August is] just the start of the allergy season, and this year it will be worse than [ever]… The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology says global climate change is making ragweed season worse for allergy patients this year. 'Increasing temperature and increasing carbon dioxide, the result of global warming, increase the ragweed pollen production up to two to four times than its normal production the previous years,' said Dr. Clifford W. Bassett of Allergy and Asthma Care of New York.Ragweed allergy will be more severe and last longer this year," [he] said."

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