Alternatives, Baby, Alternatives! By Peter Fimrite, SFChron, September 17, 2008. "A recent poll by the Public Policy Institute of California showed 51% of the state's residents support oil drilling off the coast, a 10-point increase in a single year... But [a new poll conducted by David Binder Research to be released today]... shows that there is more to the drilling question than meets the eye. Although half of those surveyed strongly or somewhat supported offshore oil drilling, there was still considerable concern about the effect that drilling and the continued use of fossil fuels would have on the environment, especially in the Arctic. Two-thirds of those polled were very or somewhat concerned about the risk of offshore drilling in the Arctic Ocean. Seventy-two percent were very or somewhat concerned about the loss of Arctic sea ice, and 71% expressed concern about ocean acidification. Overall, 45% of voters in California, Oregon and Washington support drilling in the Arctic Ocean, compared to 41% who oppose it, according to the poll. Most... expressed a desire for a cautious, science-based approach... [and] support for oil exploration diminished when they were informed that it could take seven to 10 years for drilling to have any effect on gasoline prices. Sixty percent of voters felt more information is needed about the impacts... 'It was striking that support fell so quickly after providing them with just minimal information,' [Shanan] Alper [of David Binder Research] said."

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