Bay Area Mayors to Sign Green Compact. By Matt Nauman, San Jose Mercury News, September 9, 2008. "The Bay Area's big-city mayors... San Jose's Chuck Reed, San Francisco's Gavin Newsom and Oakland's Ron Dellums are scheduled to pledge support for a region-wide approach to combating global warming... called the Bay Area Climate Change Compact... Few details have been released as the document undergoes some final tweaks. But Mike Mielke, the [Silicon Valley Leadership Group's] director of environmental programs and policy, said specific goals have been set for 2013, including: reducing electricity usage in municipal buildings by 10%; adding 20,000 so-called green-collar jobs... [and] decreasing community water consumption by 15%. Other targets in the 'Projections: Clean & Green' report [PDF, 27 pp] to be released today include: a common standard for green building and rooftop-solar installations; persuading commuters to use public transit and to walk and bike more frequently; boosting use of renewable energy; adopting a regional climate-change; diverting more waste from landfills [and] increasing use of electric vehicles... Details are still being finalized, Mielke said. A final draft is expected to be ready by Sept. 19 when the Joint Policy Committee meets. That group coordinates efforts of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the Association of Bay Area Governments, the Bay Conservation and Development Commission and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission."

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