
Cape Wind Clears Another Hurdle. By Patrick Cassidy, Cape Cod Times, September 11, 2008. "State environmental officials have quietly issued a key permit for the proposed Nantucket Sound wind farm. The state Department of Environmental Protection last month issued a water quality certificate for Cape Wind Associates' plan to install nearly eight miles of transmission cable through Lewis Bay in West Yarmouth that would connect to 130 wind turbines in the sound. 'It does meet our approval as long as they follow our regulations,' DEP spokesman Ed Colletta said this week. The water quality certificate... is one of roughly 20 permits Cape Wind must secure before the turbines are built. A final federal assessment of the project's environmental impact is expected by the end of the year. In an Aug. 15 letter to Cape Wind, DEP officials stated that they had 'determined there is reasonable assurance the project will be conducted in a manner which will not violate applicable water quality standards'... The DEP must still issue a Chapter 91 waterways license that permits construction or uses on filled tidelands and lands that are the property of the state, Colletta said... Susan Nickerson [executive director of the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, which opposes Cape Wind] said... that the state appears to have rubber stamped the permit process for Cape Wind."

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