Carbon Revenue Recycling is Focus of Capitol Hill Briefing. By James F. Handley, Carbon Tax Center, September 17, 2008. "At least one Washington politician dares to say 'tax' out loud -- a carbon tax, no less. Representative John Larson (D-Conn.) headlined a Capitol Hill panel discussion Tuesday and came out swinging for a revenue-neutral carbon tax. Larson, a member of the Democratic House leadership and the tax-writing Ways and Mean Committee, called carbon taxing the most effective way to curb greenhouse gas emissions. Addressing a briefing organized by Clean Air - Cool Planet and the Energy and Environment Study Institute, the five-term Congressman invoked his constituents at Auggie & Ray's Diner in East Hartford: 'They know climate protection comes with a price tag -- they want transparency up-front so they know what to expect and can plan ahead'... Either a carbon tax or the auctioning of permits under a carbon cap-and-trade system would generate huge streams of revenue which would come under the jurisdiction of Ways and Means. The Committee has scheduled a hearing [today], Sept. 18, on revenue recycling, and Larson will be on hand, presumably putting the spotlight on the American Energy Security Trust Fund Act he introduced in August 2007... Larson called a carbon tax 'simple, efficient, straightforward and effective' and said it will be a boon to the economy if the revenue is recycled to reduce or eliminate distortionary taxes Shanan Alper, an analyst for the research firm. Following Larson, a politically diverse panel of economists -- Robert Repetto, Robert Shapiro, Terry Dinan, and Ken Green -- discussed ways to maximize the 'double dividend' -- benefits to climate and to the economy from recycling revenue from either a carbon tax or the auction proceeds of cap-and-trade."

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