David Suzuki Lowers His Sights. By John Allemang, TorontoG&M, September 6, 2008. "The supreme prophet of Canada's environmental movement seems to be lowering his sights with a self-help book on how to reduce, reuse and recycle -- even though 'I know we're heading straight over the cliff'... If you want to reduce your eco-footprint, David Suzuki's Green Guide says that thou shalt: 'Choose a modest home near work, school, recreation and public transit. Get a home energy audit and follow the energy-saving recommendations. Buy green electricity. Choose food that is produced locally and organically. Eat more plant-based foods and less meat, eggs and dairy. Rack up fewer road and air kilometres by relying on green alternatives (cycling, walking, public transit, carpooling, telecommuting, video-conferencing). Drive the most fuel-efficient vehicle that meets your needs. Practice sustainable consumption (as spelled out in the book). Reduce, reuse and recycle (in that order). Vote for pro-environmental candidates. Speak out about environmental issues. Donate time and money to environmental organizations. Spend more time outdoors, especially if you have children. Take back some of your time.'" From David Suzuki's Green Guide © 2008, by David Suzuki and David R. Boyd, published by Greystone Books Ltd."

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