The Democrats’ Blunder on Energy. Posted by Joseph Romm, Gristmill, September 20, 2008. “Both The Hill and Politico have reported that the Gang of 20 will not introduce a bipartisan compromise energy bill before the election. This is a huge triumph for McCain and major political blunder by Congressional Democrats. As I wrote [last] Monday, the original compromise bill by the Gang ‘is the best chance -- indeed, the only chance -- the Dems will have to simultaneously give the lie to McCain's faux bipartisanship and to expose... the absurd notion that McCain and the Republicans believe in ‘an all-of-the-above’ energy for dealing with our energy crises’... It was... bewildering that House and Senate Dems didn't immediately pick up this bill and vote on it given that it contained the least amount of coastal drilling imaginable while at the same time providing more long-term support for renewables than the House Dems just voted for!”

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