
Eliminated Federal Climate Program Rescued by Rockefeller Foundation. By Andrew C. Revkin, NYTimes, September 25, 2008. "The Center for Capacity Building, a small program at the National Center for Atmospheric Research working to boost poor countries' ability to withstand drought and other climate shocks, saw its $500,000 annual budget eliminated this summer. After experts on resilience and development criticized the move in an article in The Times, on Dot Earth and on the Prometheus science-policy blog of Roger A. Pielke Jr., the Rockefeller Foundation took note. On Thursday, the foundation and the University of Colorado, Boulder, just a few miles from the atmospheric lab in Boulder, Colo., plan to announce that the center, renamed the Consortium for Capacity Building, will move to the university under a $1 million, two-year grant. More support is likely, foundation officials said."

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