
First Battery Stations Introduced in Downtown Tokyo. By Greenz.jp (Tokyo), Treehugger, September 22, 2008. "Last week the first battery stations were introduced in downtown Tokyo as the city gets ready for the introduction of new electric vehicles. Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) has installed charging devices for electric cars in nine basement parking lots, including those under several office buildings, in the central financial district. It is the first time that 'battery stations' for electric vehicles have been set up in basement parking areas. While I prefer to ride the trains or my old trusted bicycle, it is fun to watch different countries and regions scramble to get the infrastructure in place to make the shift from fossil fuels. As pointed out previously on Treehugger, Norway forecasts over 100 battery stations in place by the end of 2009 for its THINK car, and they also have a significant advantage for early electric car adopters -- free charging and free parking."

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