
First 'Transition Town' Celebrates Its Second Anniversary.By Sarah Lewis, London Guardian, September 10, 2008."When... 150 [members of Parliament were recently asked] about their favourite summer reads, number five on the list was a book from an environment group that only two years ago almost no one had heard of. But in that time, the Transition Town movement has grown from a classroom idea to a sprawling international network... . The idea behind transition towns is simple: if you have no faith that governments will take meaningful action on climate change and 'peak oil', then you can come together as a community to do something about it. It's an idea gaining rapid ground. Last week saw the second anniversary of the setting up of the first [one] in Totnes, Devon, and also the arrival of the 100th, Fujino in Japan. Communities in each have committed to break free from oil addiction and move, over a period of 10 to 20 years, from a high-carbon economy to a low one. Meanwhile, there are 900 'mullers', people considering setting up their own 'franchise'... Transition Network, the coordinating body, cheerfully states that it has no idea if it will work... But it presents communities with a 12-step guide."

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