GM Seeking 100-MPG Rating for Volt. By David Shepardson, DetroitNews, September 28, 2008. "General Motors Corp. said Friday it has reached a preliminary agreement with the California Air Resources Board about how to classify its Chevy Volt in terms of emissions standards that could allow the extended-range electric vehicle to attain the 100-miles-per-gallon rating. That's a significant step for the automaker because the actions of the California board, known as CARB, often influence federal regulatory decisions. GM has been in talks with CARB and the Environmental Protection Agency for more than a year on how to rate the Volt. Achieving a 100-mpg rating would give GM a strong marketing message and boost its ability to comply with significantly higher fuel economy standards... GM plans to begin building the rechargeable Volt in November 2010 and says it will be able to travel up to 40 miles on electric power alone."

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