GOP: Democrats' Plan Leaves Most Oil Off Limits. H. Joseph Hebert, AP, September 14, 2008. "House Republicans attacked a Democratic offshore drilling plan Friday for including a 50-mile coastal buffer that they said would leave untouched most of the 18 billion barrels of oil in waters now off-limits to energy companies. A Democratic drilling proposal expected to be taken up by the House next week would allow energy development access to waters 50 to 100 miles from shore along almost all of the country's coastlines as long as a state agrees to drilling off its shore. Waters off Florida's Gulf coast and a nationwide 50-mile coastal buffer would remain out of bounds to energy companies. But House Republican Leader John Boehner called the plan a 'hoax on the American people,' arguing that nearly 90 percent of the oil believed to be in the restricted offshore waters still would not be available. House Republicans have called for lifting the offshore drilling bans everywhere with no protected buffer."

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