Green Investment Will Yield 2 Million New Jobs, Says Report. Press Release, NRDC, September 9, 2008. "A new report released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council and partner labor and environmental groups shows that the U.S. can create two million jobs by investing in clean energy technologies that will strengthen the economy and fight global warming. The report finds that investing in clean energy would create four times as many jobs as spending the same amount of money within the oil industry. 'This new report shows that investing in clean energy is a win-win solution. Shifting to clean energy will put more people to work, provide consumers relief at the pump, help reduce global warming pollution and revitalize our economy at a time when many Americans are hurting,' said Frances Beinecke, President of NRDC. 'Green Recovery - A Program to Create Good Jobs and Start Building a Low-Carbon Economy' [PDF, 38 pp] analyzes the potential for a two year $100 billion green investment program -- which would be comparable to the size of the April 2008 federal stimulus package dedicated to consumer rebates -- to be an engine for job creation... The report also shows that the vast majority of the... jobs gained from this initial $100 billion investment in clean energy would be in the same areas of employment that people already work in today, in every region and state of the country."

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