Green Jobs Now, National Day of Action: 9-27-08. GreenJobsNow.com, September 24, 2008. "Green Jobs Now, a national day of action this Saturday, September 27 to advance a socially just and inclusive green economy. In collaboration with Green for All, 1Sky, and Al Gore's We Campaign, and many more organizations, we have organized nearly 600 Green Jobs Now events in all 50 states! Together we are building a movement to lift millions of people out of poverty and solve the climate crisis. Our actions will send the message that people of all classes and colors are ready for a new economy - one that uplifts people and honors the planet. These events will call for building green pathways out of poverty and into prosperity for millions of people. From coast to coast, tens of thousands of people will tell the world: 'Were ready for the green economy.' Goals for the National Day of Action: 1) Encourage elected leaders and presidential candidates to prioritize green jobs and an inclusive green economy. 2) Build a powerful and diverse base of organizers, promoting the movement for green jobs as the best way to fight poverty and global warming. 3) Elevate the voices of low-income people, people of color and other vulnerable constituencies in the movement for green jobs. For more information and to find an event near you, visit: www.GreenJobsNow.com."

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