
Homeless 'Polar Bears' Forage Hopelessly in Nation's Capitol.Posted by Leslie Berliant,Celsias, September 17, 2008. "With Arctic sea ice at near record lows, Greenpeace today unveiled a collaborative art project in Washington, D.C. with well-known street artist Mark Jenkins... The installation dramatizes how global warming is making polar bears homeless... The fourth piece in the series, featuring a homeless bear foraging in a trash can, was deployed Tuesday, [coinciding] with an announcement by the National Snow and Ice Data Center that Arctic sea ice... has fallen to a low of 1.74 million square miles in September, roughly 860,000 square miles below the long-term average. 'That's an area of polar bear habitat three times the size of Texas lost this summer as a direct result of global warming,' said Carroll Muffett... [of] Greenpeace. 'Our intent is... to highlight the very real connection between the polar bear's fate and our own.' To date, four sculptures have been deployed throughout the Washington, DC area... One bear bore a sign reading 'S.O.S.', a second was accompanied by signs saying 'Victim of Oil Addiction' and 'Global Warming Refugee. Help a brother out?'" [Editor's note: These homeless bears are not to be missed. Check out the slides and video.]

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