
The House Democrats' 'All of the Above' Energy Bill. Posted by Joseph Romm, Gristmill, September 3, 2008. "Looks like the Congressional Democrats are shrewd enough to take on the GOP big lie that Republicans in Congress actually believe in an 'all of the above' energy policy. Greenwire reported [subscription] September 3 that... 'Top House Democrats say that shortly after Congress reconvenes, they will put on the floor a piece of legislation that will include an expansion of offshore drilling but also a renewable electricity mandate, energy-efficiency standards for buildings and oil industry tax provisions. Some Democrats have started to describe the legislation and the broader message on energy as 'all of the above' -- a term first coined by House Republicans to describe their own legislation... Democrats... offered few specifics, but [speculated that] it would force Republicans into a tough spot... Even if it passes the House, [though,] the legislation figures to face a tough slog in the Senate... House Republicans, meanwhile, have already started to dismiss [it] as a gimmick and have given little indication that the Democratic bid for an offshore drilling vote will do much to sway the Republican caucus."

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