
Hunger in Africa Blamed on Western Rejection of GM Crops... By Ian Sample, London Guardian, September 8, 2008. "The rise of organic farming and rejection of [genetically-modified] crops in Britain and other developed countries is largely to blame for the impoverishment of Africa, according to the [UK's] former chief scientist. Sir David King, who left the job at the end of last year, says anti-scientific attitudes towards modern agriculture are being exported to Africa and holding back a green revolution that could dramatically improve the continent's food supply. King, who [gave] the presidential address at the British Association's Festival of Science in Liverpool Monday evening, criticised [NGOs] and the U.N.... for backing traditional farming techniques, which he says cannot provide enough food for the continent's growing population... Last week, King, who is now director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford University, said [GM] crops could help Africa mirror the substantial increases in crop production seen in India and China. 'What was demonstrated [there] was that modern agricultural technologies can multiply crop production per hectare by factors of seven to 10,' [he said]. But [Professor Robert Watson, the government's chief scientific adviser at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, responded that]... 'we have more food today than ever before but it isn't getting to the right people. It's not a food production problem, it's a rural development problem.'"

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