Ike Roars Through Gulf Coast. WashPost, September 14, 2008. "Texas and Louisiana on Saturday began a massive recovery effort, including searching for the stranded and missing, after Hurricane Ike, a colossal storm stretching about 600 miles, pulverized the Gulf Coast. Winds reached about 100 mph as the storm flattened houses, ripped the glass windows from downtown office buildings and left a wide swath of flooding and devastation in its wake. The Category 2 hurricane made landfall at 2:10 a.m. local time and plowed across eastern Texas before being downgraded 11 hours later to a tropical storm with 60-mph winds. In its wake, Ike left about 2.4 million Texans without power, in addition to 200,000 without power in Louisiana. Texas officials and utility company spokesmen said it could be weeks before electricity is fully restored."

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