
More Companies Join Eco-Patent Commons, Offering Patents to Public Domain. Press Release, WBCSD, September 8, 2008. "Bosch, DuPont and Xerox Corporation have joined the Eco-Patent Commons, a first-of-its-kind business effort to help the environment by pledging environmentally-beneficial patents to the public domain... The newly pledged patents include: A cutting edge, Xerox technology that significantly reduces the time and cost of removing hazardous waste from water and soil; A technology developed by DuPont that converts certain non-recyclable plastics into beneficial fertilizer; Automotive technologies from Bosch that help lower fuel consumption, reduce emissions, or convert waste heat from vehicles into useful energy... The Eco-Patent Commons, launched by IBM, Nokia, Pitney Bowes and Sony in partnership with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in January 2008… facilitates the use of existing technologies to protect the environment, and encourages collaboration between businesses that foster new innovations. Today's pledges more than double the number of environmentally friendly patents available to the public. They are available on a dedicated Web site hosted by the WBCSD".

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