
Oil Spills Reported after Ike. By Danny Robbins, AP, September 17, 2008. "Two oil spills near where Hurricane Ike struck hardest on the Texas coast poured more than 1,000 barrels onto the ground, according to... Denbury Onshore of Plano [which] has filed initial reports with the Texas Railroad Commission saying 900 barrels of oil were spilled in one location and 143 barrels in another. Both spills occurred in Chambers County, one of the areas most affected by Ike when it slammed the coast with top winds of 110 mph last weekend. The spills are two of three that have been reported to the Railroad Commission, which deals with land-based drilling. Seven potential spills have been reported... 'We don't like to see anything leave our facilities,' [said Ryan Jacob of Denbury]. 'But the overwhelming storm surge kind of overcame our mitigating action. We're working to get it fixed as best we can.'"

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