
On Plug-ins, Honda Stands Alone. Posted by Joseph Romm, ClimateProgress, September 22, 2008. "The number of companies planning plug-in hybrids is growing steadily... As for Honda... the Wall Street Journal reported [last year that] 'Honda CEO Takeo Fukui said so-called plug-in hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles offered too few environmental benefits for his company to pursue, and noted that... the [General Motors'] Chevrolet Volt... made little sense.' But while pretty much every other major automaker in the world has realized the need to start developing a plug-in, Bloomberg reported last week, 'Honda, Citing Battery Limits, Avoids Rush to Plug-Ins.' Yes, the batteries still need improvement, but that is hardly a reason not to aggressively pursue what is certain to be the car of the future. What is particularly ludicrous about Honda's position is that they remain enthusiastic about hydrogen cars... even though the technological hurdles are infinitely greater... It's risky to pursue plug in hybrids -- which major car makers are planning to introduce commercially in two years -- but it's [riskier] to pursue cars that can't be fueled anywhere, that 'cost several hundred thousand dollars each to produce,' and that don't even have lower greenhouse gas emissions than a Toyota Prius."

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