Schwarzenegger to Convene Global Climate Summit. By Samantha Young, AP, September 26, 2008. "Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger... said Friday that he plans to invite lawmakers and governmental executives from around the globe to California this fall to address solutions to the problem. The governor said he will invite officials from Europe, as well as from Australia, China, India and other countries, in the hope of forming an international alliance of community and regional leaders. He is planning the conference for November, a month before the United Nations holds its next round of international climate talks in Poland. Governors from all 50 states also will be invited... Schwarzenegger said he conceived the summit largely because of the failure of the U.S. to take the lead on initiatives seeking to slow or reduce the rate of global warming... Schwarzenegger's office said the summit will be scheduled Nov. 18-19 in Los Angeles, but the office did not yet have a list of leaders who would be invited."

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