
Solar and Wind Power Held Hostage -- Again. Commentary by Denis Hayes, E360, September 2, 2008. "Anyone who didn't TiVo-zap the television ads during the recent Olympics knows one thing for sure: Solar, wind, and biofuels enjoy robust bipartisan support... Nevertheless, Congress has repeatedly failed to extend the [renewable] tax credits that are essential if America is to remain in the renewable energy business. Germany, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Greece, Australia, and many other countries [including Bulgaria] all provide more generous incentives than we do... The proper response [is not to adopt the Senate's 'compromise' Gang of 10 bill which Pelosi and Obama have indicated they'd consider, but] drop the 'Christmas tree' [approach]. There is no urgent reason to fast track a proposal for liquids from coal and subsidies for nuclear power, oil shale, tar sands, and Detroit. None of those industries will sunset on Dec. 31 without an extension of their existing tax treatment... Congress should accept the bipartisan wisdom of Sens. Maria Cantwell and John Ensign and pass a one-year extension of all the tax credits for efficiency and renewables and then sort out the long-term policy after the election... Assuring the credits also matters because inventors, small companies, venture capitalists, large companies, universities and colleges, and tens of thousands of workers have bet heavily that efficiency and renewable energy will play a vital role in our nation's future. They deserve a lot more respect than our political leaders are giving them." Denis Hayes is president of the Bullitt Foundation and chairs board of the American Solar Energy Society.

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