
Spanish Wind Company Gets a Five-State Foot in the Door. By Nicholas Confessore, NYTimes, September 3, 2008. "[New York] state regulators approved a [$4.6 billion] deal on Wednesday that will allow the construction of hundreds of new wind turbines in New York, doubling the amount of wind power capacity within a few years. The Public Service Commission voted unanimously to allow Iberdrola, a Spanish energy conglomerate, to acquire Energy East, a Maine-based utility with operations in five states. Iberdrola said earlier this summer that it would invest at least $2 billion in wind turbines across upstate New York if the commission allowed it to acquire Energy East, subsidiaries of which supply electricity or natural gas to 1.7 million customers in the state. The commission's decision was the final hurdle for the... deal, which had been... a year under scrutiny by the commission's staff, which recommended that it be blocked."

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