Urgent Calls for Action from Vulnerable Nations Voiced at U.N. General Assemble. Posted by Rakyat Jelata, Sukasukaku.com, September 27, 2008. "Climate change was a hot topic at the general debate Friday during the 63rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, with urgent calls for global efforts in cutting greenhouse gas emissions, especially from small island nations. Prime Minister David Thompson of Barbados, which has just experienced the destruction and devastation of a hurricane season, said countries in the Caribbean are acutely aware of the urgency attached to action to mitigate the causes of climate change. 'Time is not on our side,' Thompson said... Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham of Bahamas, where 80 percent of its landmass is within 1.5 meters of sea level, spoke of 'dire prognosis' of climate change to all and most especially for Small Island Developing States... Nepalese Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal said his country faces the melting of glaciers and shifting weather patterns... 'The melting of glaciers and shifting weather patterns are threatening the life support systems, undermining the sustainability of agriculture and inducing extreme climate-induced disasters such as frequent floods and landslides,' he said. Vanuatu President Kalkot Matas Kelekele, for his part, urged the international community for more concerted action in addressing climate change as a security issue. 'Unless the present trend of global warming is reversed through sincere and concerted international action through the UN framework, some of our Pacific nations will be submerged,' he said. 'If such a tragedy does happen, then the UN and its members would have failed in their first and most basic duty to a member nation and its innocent people.'"

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