
Western States Pitch Plan to Reduce CO2 Emissions. By Margot Roosevelt, LATimes, September 24, 2008. "Seven Western states and four Canadian provinces proposed a sweeping regional crackdown on global warming emissions Tuesday in the face of continuing reluctance by the Bush administration and Congress to pass comprehensive climate legislation. The Western Climate Initiative, endorsed by the 11 governors and provincial premiers, aims to slash regional greenhouse gas pollutants by about 15% below 2005 levels in the next 12 years. 'We're sending a strong message to our federal governments that states and provinces are moving forward in the absence of federal action,' said California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, adding that the effort would spur renewable energy development and create 'green jobs.' California, which passed a landmark global warming law in 2006, is well on its way to curbing emissions. But other states and provinces will have to overcome opposition in legislatures and from influential businesses. And several states have yet to sign on, including Nevada, Idaho, Colorado and Wyoming. Nevada has the fastest-growing population in the nation, and Colorado and Wyoming are booming energy states... The Western plan covers about 20% of the U.S. economy and more than 70% of the Canadian economy... The seven states are Arizona, California, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington. The Canadian provinces are British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec... Later this week, 10 East Coast states in the U.S. will auction permits under a more restricted version [of cap-and-trade,] limited to power plants."

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