
Wind Farm Plans Clash with Conservationists in Eastern Oregon. By Gail Kinsey Hill. Portland Oregonian, August 31, 2008. "Steens Mountain stretches through the open lands of southeastern Oregon's Harney County for more than 30 miles, a twisting spine of rock and brush punctuated by steep gorges and rushing streams. Remote and rugged, it has come to symbolize the state's wild, austere side. It's also becoming a battleground for a wind power developer that sees gold in the Steens' stiff breezes -- and red in the eyes of environmentalists. At issue are about 200 wind turbines that Columbia Energy Partners wants to build along the northern boundary of the Steens Mountain Wilderness. The projects would be the first to rise in Harney County, far south of the Columbia River Gorge where most of the region's wind farms are concentrated. Chris Crowley, president of Columbia Energy Partners, calls the projects a perfect fit for Oregon, which will require that 25 percent of the electricity used in the state come from renewable energy sources by 2025."

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