
BLM Accused of Running Roughshod Over Federal Laws to Expedite Oil Shale Development. By Thomas Burr, SaltLakeTrib, October 9, 2008. "The Bureau of Land Management is running roughshod over federal laws to push out oil shale development without a chance for public comment, The Wilderness Society charged Tuesday. The Washington-based environmental group alleged in a letter that the BLM ignored federal law to expedite commercial development of oil shale without allowing the public a chance to object to land management plans in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming... Utah BLM spokeswoman Megan Crandall says the Interior Department approved the land management plan amendments without a protest period because of a congressionally mandated timeframe in the 2005 Energy Policy Act... Congress had barred the BLM from finalizing rules on leasing federal lands for oil shale extraction in previous years, but did not renew the ban this fiscal year. That development opens the possibility of leasing federal lands for oil shale extraction, though that is expected to take a long time."

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