
China Keeps Car Rules Imposed for Olympics. By Maureen Fan, WashPost, October 2, 2008. "The government began taking 30 percent of its cars in the capital off the roads Wednesday in an attempt to make permanent some of the traffic restrictions imposed during the Olympic Games, officials and media reports said. Beginning Oct. 11, Chinese motorists will also stop driving one workday a week, based on the final number on their license plates. The new rules should take 800,000 vehicles off the roads each day, according to reports quoting Wang Zhaorong of Beijing's Municipal Traffic Committee. There are 3.5 million cars in Beijing, and more than 1,000 vehicles are added each day, according to government statistics." Beijing Police Turn Back to Bicycles. China Daily, October 2, 2008. "About one third of the police in Beijing started to patrol on 1,600 bicycles or electric bicycles this October, returning to the tradition in the 1990s." Beijing to Remove 300,000 Heavily Polluting Vehicles in One Year.China Daily, October 2, 2008.

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