New Jersey Governor Pushes Plan to Become World Leader in Wind Power. By Wayne Parry, AP, October 7, 2008. "New Jersey is powering up an ambitious plan to become a world leader in the use of wind-generated energy. Gov. Jon Corzine wants the Garden State to triple the amount of wind power it plans to use by 2020 to 3,000 megawatts. That would be 13 percent of New Jersey's total energy, enough to power between 800,000 to just under 1 million homes. 'We want to create this generation's race to the moon, but this time, a race to the sea, to harness this potential wind source off of our coasts, and bring economic development, environmental benefits, and new, green jobs to the Garden State,' Corzine said Monday. Environmentalists hailed the plan. Dena Mottola Jaborska, executive director of Environment New Jersey, termed it 'a gale force for change, moving us away from dirty power and towards a new energy future. It is the most visionary plan to promote offshore wind energy in the nation.' Last week, Garden State Offshore Energy, a joint venture of PSE&G Renewable Generation and Deepwater Wind, was chosen to build a $1 billion, 345 megawatt wind farm in the ocean about 16 miles southeast of Atlantic City. That plant would be able to power about 125,000 homes."

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