
Study Reveals Huge Potential for Great Lakes Wind Power. AP, October 2, 2008. "Michigan could produce more than 10 times the amount of current peak electricity if nearly 100,000 offshore wind turbines operated along the Great Lakes, according to a new report[PDF, 20 pp], [which states that] offshore winds could produce 320,000 megawatts of energy... Power from the turbines would be 80 times more than the projected output of the world's largest wind farm planned in Texas by billionaire T. Boone Pickens... 'This result has the potential to elevate Michigan's wind energy profile nationally and internationally because the resource available is significant,' said Soji Adelaja, a study author and the director of the Michigan State University Land Policy Institute. Michigan has jurisdiction over 40 percent of the lakes' surface, in addition to controlling much of the bottom where the turbines would be built."

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