
15,000 Germans Protest Two Nuclear Waste Sites. By Diet Simon, IndyMedia.org, February 27, 2009. "Despite icy weather and light rain some 15,000 Germans demonstrated against nuclear power generation on Thursday evening with a chain of light 52 kilometers long. The route linked Braunschweig, Wolfenbüttel and Salzgitter in the north, an area that contains two frighteningly failing underground nuclear waste dumps, Asse II and Morsleben, and another to start operating in 2013, Schacht Konrad in Salzgitter. Although most protesters were from the region, people traveled from all over Germany to the demo, called by trade unions, churches, advocacy groups, local governments, neighborhood associations, firms, farmers with their tractors, to protest against irresponsible handling of nuclear waste. The chain of light was to show the connections between the various waste dumps in Germany. People held burning firebrands and lanterns, there were searchlights and fires in drums... Along the route were samba groups, fire jugglers and many actions... The anti-nuclear movement is particularly incensed about a recently passed law that will have taxpayers footing the bill for nuclear... If waste disposal costs were completely factored into the power price, opponents say, the legend of cheap nuclear electricity would be blown away."

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