Biden, Luminaries Promote Green Jobs. By Kate Galbraith, NYTimes, February 27, 2007. "At an event to promote green jobs for the middle class today in Philadelphia, Vice President Joe Biden hailed the arrival of many thousands of jobs in the new energy economy, which he described as 'good, high-paying jobs, the vast majority of which are not exportable'... Mr. Biden brought along some high-profile guests. Several Cabinet secretaries -- Steven Chu from the Department of Energy, as well as the secretaries of agriculture, labor, housing and urban development and education -- watched and listened. (Toward the end of the meeting today, Education Secretary Arne Duncan said he might appoint an 'environmental czar' to his department to help make sure schools become more energy efficient.) But it was Van Jones, a green-jobs activist and one of the panelists, who brought down the house."

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