
Cape Wind Navigates Shifts in Market. By Kate Galbraith, NYTimes, March 27, 2009. "The controversial and long-delayed Cape Wind project -- which could become the first offshore wind farm in the United States -- is inching forward. The next milestone is a decision by the Interior Department about whether to issue a lease for the project (something that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar discussed during an interview with The New York Times last week). But if Cape Wind does manage to leap over all of its hurdles, the question remains: who will make the turbines? Six years ago, before the project was stalled by powerful political headwinds, Cape Wind developers selected General Electric to do the work... But GE no longer makes any offshore turbines, according to Steve Fludder, the head of GE's green business unit, who sat down for a wide-ranging interview with The Times on Wednesday... Mark Rodgers, the communications director for Cape Wind... said that Siemens and Vestas -- both big turbine manufacturers still developing offshore products -- are now the front-runners."

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