
Earth Hour: Power Down for 60 Minutes on March 28. Seattle Times, March 22, 2009. "On Saturday, March 28... during Earth Hour, citizens of the world are asked to turn off their power for one hour, starting at 8:30 p.m. local time, in a symbolic stance against global warming. The World Wildlife Fund started the event two years ago in Sydney, with 2.2 million people and thousands of businesses going dark. The next year, more than 400 cities on all seven continents participated. Some high-wattage landmarks even got involved, including the Sydney Opera House and, in New York, the Coke billboard in Times Square and the Empire State Building. For 2009, so far nearly 1,200 cities -- including Chicago, Guatemala City, Vancouver, B.C., Mumbai and Bangkok -- in 80 countries have signed on. Group organizers aim for 1 billion people to flick the switch, an achievement they hope to present at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, to be held in Copenhagen this year. Some cities and travel businesses are turning the statement into a celebration." For more info, go to: www.voteearth2009.org; www.earthhour.org.

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