
Latest Carbon Auction Raises $117 Million. By Mary Esch, AP, March 20, 2009. "The third quarterly auction of carbon dioxide emission allowances raised $117 million for energy efficiency and renewable energy programs in the 10 Northeastern states that are part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative [RGGI]. Officials announced Friday that 31.5 million allowances sold Wednesday at a clearing price of $3.51 each, and 2.2 million allowances in a parallel auction sold for $3.05 each. The parallel auction was for allowances that can be used in 2012. Energy producers may purchase now and save them, or investors may purchase them in anticipation they can resell them later at a profit when prices rise. Each allowance represents one ton of carbon dioxide. Energy producers in the RGGI states are required to buy enough allowances to cover all the carbon dioxide they emit."

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