
Leaving PCs On Overnight Costs U.S. Companies $2.8 Billion a Year. By Jon Swartz, USA Today, March 27, 2009. "Even during an economic meltdown, when companies are scrambling to cut costs, businesses are wasting billions of dollars by leaving their PCs on at night. U.S. organizations squander $2.8 billion a year to power unused machines, emitting about 20 million tons of carbon dioxide -- roughly the equivalent of 4 million cars -- according to a report to be released Wednesday. About half of 108 million office PCs in the USA are not properly shut down at night, says the PC Energy Report US 2009 [PDF, 20 pp], produced by 1E, an energy-management software company, and the non-profit Alliance to Save Energy. The report analyzed workplace PC power consumption in the USA, United Kingdom and Germany."

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