
Lobbyists Spar Over Renewable Energy Bill. By Anne C. Mulkern, Greenwire, March 16, 2009."A national mandate that would force utilities to use increasing amounts of renewable power seems likely to emerge from Congress this year, and a legion of lobbyists is battling to shape it. A national mandate that would force utilities to use increasing amounts of renewable power seems likely to emerge from Congress this year, and a legion of lobbyists is battling to shape it... The House in 2007 passed an energy bill that included a renewable electricity standard requiring utilities to use green sources for 15 percent of their power generation by 2020. The Senate dropped the provision from its version of the bill after it failed to pass on a test vote. The final compromise energy measure lacked the mandate. The House in 2008 passed an energy bill with a mandate of 20 percent by 2020. The Senate did not act on that bill. The Senate now has seven more Democrats, several of whom replaced Republicans who did not support a national electricity standard."

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