
Massive Abuses Persist with Kyoto Protocol Clean Development Machanism. By Julio Godoy, IPS, March 19, 2009. "The clean development mechanism (CDM), the Kyoto Protocol instrument that allows industries in rich countries to earn emission-reduction credits by financing environment-friendly projects in developing countries, is a perverse but at the moment necessary tool to fight global warming, says a German environmental expert. Lambert Schneider, expert on climate-change policies at the German Institute for Applied Ecology, and who has been researching the impact of CDM since its inception, says the mechanism must be radically reformed or supplanted by more efficient instruments. 'CDM has raised awareness in developing countries and among investors of the urgent need of reducing greenhouse gases emissions (GHG) such as carbon dioxide (CO2) to stop global warming,' Schneider told IPS. But at the same time, the huge business opportunities associated with CDM have led to a massive abuse of the tool 'through the noncompliance of numerous international agreed environmental and development standards of the projects in emerging countries such as China and India,' said Schneider."

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