
Mr. Obama's Energy Future. Editorial, NYTimes, February 26, 2009. "During his run for the White House, Barack Obama pledged to transform the way Americans produce and consume energy. Such promises come cheap on the campaign trail. In the real world they cost money and political capital. This week, in his speech to Congress, Mr. Obama made clear that he is ready to spend both to combat climate change and reduce this country's dependence on fossil fuels... We applaud his vision and urge him to push forward... Mr. Obama's commitment has been more than rhetorical. Five weeks into his presidency, he has signaled a readiness to regulate greenhouse gases from cars, trucks and new power plants, to require more fuel efficient vehicles and to invest heavily in energy efficiency -- including high speed rail and weatherizing homes -- as well as renewable energy sources like wind and solar. Nearly one-tenth of his economic recovery package, $80 billion altogether, is devoted to these purposes... Mr. Obama is challenging not just the country, but history."

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