
New Larson Bill Raises the Bar for Congressional Climate Action. By Charles Komanoff, CarbonTaxCenter, March 6, 2009. "Carbon taxing to safeguard Earth's climate took several major steps forward -- politically and intellectually -- with the introduction yesterday of the America's Energy Security Trust Fund Act of 2009 by Rep. John B. Larson, chair of the House Democratic Caucus and fourth-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives. The new bill builds and improves on Rep. Larson's 2007 bill with these provisions: 1) The first-year tax rate is $15 per ton of carbon dioxide. 2) The rate rises by $10/ton per year. 3) After five years, that increase rate is automatically bumped up to $15/ton if U.S. emissions stray from an EPA-certified glide path to cut emissions by 80% from 2005 levels in 2050. 4) To protect domestic manufacturers, the bill authorizes the Treasury Department to impose a 'carbon equivalency fee' on carbon-intensive products imported from non-carbon-taxing nations. 5) Clean-tech R&D and investments are eligible for $10 billion a year in tax credits. 6) Impacted workers and industries are eligible for transition assistance of $7.5 billion in the first year; this is phased out after year 10 but still totals $41 billion. 7) All other revenue is tax-shifted to Americans via reductions in payroll taxes. Rep. Larson, a member of the powerful, tax-writing Ways & Means Committee, appears to have crafted his new bill to counter most if not all salient objections to carbon taxing."

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