Obama Opens Spigot on Plug-In Electric Car Grants. By John Rogers, AP, March 19, 2009. "Whether President Barack Obama's California visit rallied sufficient support for his economic stimulus package remains to be seen, but his arrival Thursday definitely juiced the spirits of those who have toiled for years here building, testing and maintaining the kind of electric-powered cars Obama says are the nation's future. In the 16 years since it opened, Southern California Edison's Electric Vehicle Technical Center has quietly logged a number of firsts. Among them, the first consumer field test of General Motors' pioneering EV1 electric vehicle and first conversion of a heavy-duty, gasoline-powered boom truck to gas-electric hybrid. Edison itself maintains a fleet of more than 300 electric and gas-electric hybrid vehicles that it says has logged more than 17 million miles... During his visit, Obama made the case for government investment of billions of dollars to develop fuel-efficient cars and provide an electric grid to support them. He called for putting 1 million plug-in hybrid vehicles on America's roads by 2015."

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